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Q: Which minerals can scratch apatite
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Which mineral on the mohs scale will scratch apatite?

Minerals that will scratch apatite must be more than a 5 on the Moh's hardness scale. So feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum, and diamond will scratch apatite.

Which object can scratch apatite but not feldspar?

Glass can scratch apatite but not feldspar.

What does apatite mean?

Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals. These minerals are made of hydroxylapatite.

Can fluorite scratch apatite?

No it cant.

Can Apatite can scratch calcite?


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Which object can scratch calcite but not apatite?

On the Mohs mineral hardness scale, calcite is about a 3, and apatite is about a 5. So, whatever is at a hardness of 4 will scratch a 3 but not a 5. That mineral is fluorite.

Is apatite a rock?

No, apatite is the name of a group of minerals that are hexagonal, trigonal, and monoclinic phosphates, arsenates and vanadates.

What are some common types of phosphate minerals?

Phosphate minerals is a very large diverse group of minerals, Phosphate means "Those containing Tetrahedral". Some examples of phosphate minerals are; Apatite, Carbonate Apatite, and Brushite.

Which mineral will not scratch quartz topaz calcite or corundum?

apatite will not scratch quartz topaz calcite or corundum

Is apatite a sedimentary rock'?

No, apatite is the name of a group of minerals that are hexagonal, trigonal, and monoclinic phosphates, arsenates and vanadates.

What two minerals are softer than apatite?

Talc and Gypsym