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The temperance movement.

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Q: Which movement in the 1800s sought to restrain or ban the consumption of alcohol?
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Which organization sought to prohibit the consumption of alcohol in order to preserve family life?

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The term that describes the nationalist movement that sought to create a nation-state for the Jewish people is ZIONISM.

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Is The enlightenment a religious movement?

The Enlightenment was not a religious movement but rather a cultural, intellectual, and philosophical movement that emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. It sought to challenge traditional religious authority and promote secular thinking. While some Enlightenment thinkers were critical of organized religion and promoted secular humanism, others sought to reconcile reason with faith.

What was a similarity between the pre-civil war abolitionist movement and the Progressive movement?

Both the pre-civil war abolitionist movement and the Progressive movement were social reform movements that sought to bring about significant changes in American society. They both advocated for equal rights and justice for marginalized groups - the abolitionist movement focused on ending slavery, while the Progressive movement aimed to address issues such as child labor, women's suffrage, and worker's rights.

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The goals of the women's movement of 19th century sought for equality in laws. Goals of 20th century women's movement seeks equality in workplace opportunity.

Which political party started in the 1850s in opposition to slavery?

Abolitionism, or the abolitionist movement, was a movement to end slavery. This person can be both formal and informal. In Europe and America, abolitionism was a historical movement that sought to end the Atlantic slave trade and free slaves.