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The diaphragm.

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Q: Which muscle during inspiration doesn't contracted?
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What muscle are contract during inspiration?


What is the difference between the contracted muscle and a relaxed muscle?

contracted muscle and relaxed muscle whats are the difference? contracted muscle means its very very contracted and relaxed muscle means its very very relaxed

What is The tissue that allows the diaphragm flatten during inspiration?

Smooth muscle.

Is the ciliary muscle relaxed during distance vision?

Yes, the ciliary muscle is relaxed for distant vision, but is contracted for close vision.

What is the difference between a strong muscle contraction and a weak muscle contraction?

one would be the amount of contractile strength that results from a muscle contraction.

Are there such things as partially contracted muscle fibers?

That is very good question! You do not have any thing like partially contracted muscle fibres, most probably. What you have got is partially contracted muscles. The muscle is more or less contracted as per the number of muscle fibres that are contracted at any given time.

What is the difference between a contracted muscle and a relax muscle?

i don't no what is the answer?

What happens when an entire muscle contracts strongly and stays contracted?

when a muscle cramps

Which muscle is most important muscle used in inspiration?


Which muscle or muscles are the most important muscles used in inspiration and inhalation?

the diaphragm is the muscle(s) that are most important muscle used in inspiration (inhalation)?

How could you detect if the muscle contracted?

ya muscles contracted due to actin and myocin protein comtracted

What would occur if a muscle became totally depleted of ATP?

the muscle will remain contracted