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The 18th century was called the Baroque period, and Vienna was a Baroque city. But in his case, he wrote music in that era and in the classical period also. Two eras, one composer.

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Beethoven is now seen as a bridge between the late Classical period and the early Romantic period. The bulk of his mature music would be considered as Romantic.

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Q: Which musical era is Beethoven's music from?
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Where can you hear beethovens music?

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The Victorian era was between 1837 and 1901 when Queen Victoria reigned in Britain. Popular during that time was opera, comic opera, musical burlesque, musical comedy, and brass bands.

What are the musical eras?

The musical eras are the Medieval era, the Renaissance era, the Baroque era, the Classical era, the Romantic era, and the Contemporary era (sometimes refered to as the 20th century era.)

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A variety of instruments were prevalent during the Victorian Era or the Romantic Era when referring to music. Some musical instruments that were used were the pianoforte, bassoon, oboe, tuba, French horn, and different types of concert flutes.

How did the musical instruments industry begin?

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What music is offered on the Classicfm website?

Classic FM offer classical music which is regarded as peaceful music. Specific music that you can hear on Classic FM includes Beethovens Paino Sonata No.14 or Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2.