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Q: Which nail does a carpenter hate to hit?
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Related questions

What does the phrase on the nail mean?

It means to be exact or make a valid point. It is related to "hitting the nail on the head." A good carpenter would be able to swing a hammer and center it over the head of the nail as they hit it. That way, they don't bend the nail nor smash their finger. So just like a good carpenter swings with accuracy, the phrase can be used to mean being exactly correct.

A carpenter is pounding a nail into a wall The reaction force to the force of the hammer hitting the nail is?

nail forcing the hammer

What is politically correct term for nail technician?


Is a carpenter hammering a nail an example of exerting force?

Yes, a carpenter hammering a nail is an example of exerting force. The force is applied through the hammer to the nail, causing it to be driven into the material.

When a carpenter starts a new house where does he strike the first nail?

on the head.

What three tools used by carpenter?

A skilsaw, a mitre saw and a nail gun.

When was You Hit the Nail on the Head created?

You Hit the Nail on the Head was created in 1972.

What color of nail polish to guys hate?


A carpenter uses them?

Saws, hammers, nail guns, chisels, planes and lots more.

How can you hit a nail at a regulated pressure?

Nail gun.

Name the thing that has the same name that has the same name as the part of body and used by carpenter?


How can you hit a nail at a constant speed every time?

With a nail gun