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Q: Which native Americans were forced out of Georgia?
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How did the native Americans get out of Texas?

The U.S. Army forced them to walk all the way to Georgia.

What are the two native americans in georgia?

Cherokee and the Creek tribe are the two native Americans in Georgia.

What helped the Cherokee native Americans fight removal?

Nothing helped them. They were forced to walk from Georgia to Oakhoma. It is called the Trail of Tears.

How did colonists in Georgia relate with native Americans?

kylie interacted with the native americans.

Where did the US force the native Americans to live?

The US forced Native Americans to live on reservations.

What was Georgia's relationships with native Americans?

Aggressive because they were afraid the Native Americans would revolt.

Georgia colony economy?

it was native americans

Who populated Georgia in 1619?

Native Americans.

Who came to Georgia first?

native Americans

How did Native American get in Georgia?

Native Americans were already in Georgia before it was settled, or called Georgia. There were a number of tribes that lived in the area.

Why did native Americans fight Americans forces in the northwest territory?

the native Americans were forced west and just wanted to protect there land.

Where were native Americans forced to move after the Indian removal in 1830?

they were forced to moves to Canada