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The auditory nerve carries auditory impulses to the brain.

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Q: Which nerves carry sound impulses from the inner ear of the brain?
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What is a cochlea and what is its role?

The cochlea is the inner ear. It transforms sound into a message the nerves can carry to the brain.

What is the name of the structure leading from the ear to the brain?

You have a nerve that carry the impulses from inner ear to brain. It is sensory nerve. It is the 8th nerve. It is called as vestibulocochlear nerve.

Does the efferent system sends information from the brain to spinal cord throughout the body?

You are correct; efferent neurons carry impulses from your brain to/and spinal cord throughout the body. Efferent nerves, otherwise known as motor or effector neurons, carry nerve impulses away from the central nervous system to effectors (such as muscles or glands and also the ciliated cells of the inner ear).The term 'efferent' can also be used in more localized locations (though still in the nervous system). For example, a neuron's efferent synapse provides input to another neuron, and not vice-versa. Vice-versa would be afferent. (see below)The opposite of efferent neurons are afferent, which are neurons that carry impulses from the body back to the brain. An easy mnemonic: Efferent connections Exit. Afferent connections Arrive.Hope this helps!

What is the part of the brain cell that runs to and from nerves and muscles in response to signals from the brain?

it is the inner skull membrane

Where in the ear in sound changed into signals that are sent to the brain?

The inner ear is responsible for converting sound waves into neural impulses that are sent to the brain.

Can the brain be viewed as an organ that creates inner movies based on inputs from the sensory nerves?

Yes, that is one of the things that the brain does.

What organ detects sound?

The ear drum. Then the ear drum pass the vibrations onto the hammer, stirrup, and anvil (the smallest bones in the human body in the inner ear), where nerves send electrical impulses called synapses to the brain. The brain processes the vibrations and sends you the sound the noise created.

What transmits sound waves to the inner ear making waves in the fluid in the cochlea?

The ossicles amplify the sound. They send the sound waves to the inner ear and into the fluid-filled hearing organ (cochlea). ... The auditory nerve sends these impulses to the brain. The brain then translates these electrical impulses as sound.

What auditory nerve is responsible for?

The auditory nerve is responsible for relaying vibrations from the cochlea, in the inner ear, to the brain as electrical impulses. The auditory centre of the brain then interprets these as sound.

What takes sound waves from the inner ear to the brain?

Sound travels in waves. Our ears pick up these waves and funnel them to the eardrum. The eardrum interprets them as vibrations. These vibrations pass through the eardrum, into the inner ear via the hammer, anvil, and stirrup bones. This causes fluid in the inner ear to bend tiny hairs which convert the vibrations into nerve impulses. The auditory nerve then sends the signals to the brain, which converts them again into the sound of what is heard.

What transmits sound from the inner ear to the brain?

Nerves in the ear respond to the mechanical stress of soundwaves and transmit the stress/sound accoundingly (super simplified answer)

Where is the cochlea located?

Yes. It is a snail-shell shaped organ with tiny hairs lining the inside that move to sound waves, sending impulses to the brain, which the brain translates as sound.