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these are the multiple choice options:

  1. a. Jovian planets can migrate inward from the orbits in which they are born.
  2. b. In some star systems, it is possible for jovian planets to form in the inner solar system and terrestrial planets to form in the outer solar system.
  3. c. Some of the "exceptions to the rules" in our own solar system are likely to have been the result of giant impacts.
  4. d. In addition to the categories of terrestrial and jovian, there must be an "in-between" category of planet that has the mass of a jovian planet but the composition of a terrestrial planet.
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Q: Which new idea has been added into your theory of solar system formation as a result of the discoveries of extrasolar planets?
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Which new idea has been added into your theory of solar system formation as a result of the discoveries extrasolar planets?

these are the multiple choice options:a. Jovian planets can migrate inward from the orbits in which they are born.b. In some star systems, it is possible for jovian planets to form in the inner solar system and terrestrial planets to form in the outer solar system.c. Some of the "exceptions to the rules" in our own solar system are likely to have been the result of giant impacts.d. In addition to the categories of terrestrial and jovian, there must be an "in-between" category of planet that has the mass of a jovian planet but the composition of a terrestrial planet.

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