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the femur, tibia, filbula, humerous, radius, and ulna are all long bones. Anything else is not.

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Q: Which of the following bones is not included within the lower limb?
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What bones are included with the lower limb?

Femur, tibia and fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges

Which of the following included the requirement of a supreme court as well as lower federal courts?

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know have " which of the following " statements you ask about in your question.

Lower leg bones?

The bones present in our lower legs are tibia and fibula.

The tidia and the what form the bones for the lower leg?

Actually it is the tibia and fibula that form the lower bones in the legs.

What are some of the lower leg bones called?

The tibia and fibula are the two long bones of the lower leg.The 7 tarsal bones form the ankle.

How much bones do the lower body hold?

67 bones

How many bones are in your lower arm?

There are two bones in the lower arm: the ulna and the radius.

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Strikes by approximately 4 million workers

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The abdominal pelvic region will overlap the left lower quadrant. To be more precise the left pelvic region will.

What bones are protecting your gallbladder?

The gallbladder is under the lower right rib bones.

How many bones movable bones does the skull have?

Only one, the mandible or lower jaw.Only one, the lower jaw or mandible.