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Q: Which of the following chemical symbols reprsent the element silver?
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Related questions

What are elemental symbols?

It is an abbreviation for a chemical element.

What chemical are used to represent element?

Chemical symbols represent chemical elements.

A ________________________ uses chemical symbols to represent the atoms of an element and their ratios in a chemical compound.?

chemical formula

What are the chemical symbols for the element nitrogen and phosphorus?

Nitrogen:N AND phophorus:K

What chemical formula includes the of each element in the compound?

You think probable to chemical symbols.

What are chemical symbols a shorthand way to represent?

Chemical symbols represent a chemical substance or element

Why do you have chemical symbols?

We have chemical symbols so that we can quickly write about an element or compound with out having to write out the name every time you want to refer to it.

What are the ways of writing of the symbols of elements in the periodic table?

The chemical symbols are approved by IUPAC; symbols are derived from the name of the chemical element in Latin, frequently the first two letters.

What is a combination of symbols and numbers that describes a molecule?

A combination of chemical symbols that show what elements make up a compound and the number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of the compound is a chemical formula.

Which quantity identifies an element?

the atom number identifies the element u puta

What represent the chemical symbols and numbers?

they represent the number of protons the element has and what is their charge

What are the chemical symbols on the periodic table?

It's easier to navigate the periodic table and write chemical equations and formulae once you know the symbols for the elements. However, sometimes it's easy to confuse symbols of elements with similar names. Other elements have symbols that don't seem to relate to their names at all! For these elements, the symbol usually refers to an older element name that isn't used any more. Here's an alphabetical list of element symbols with the corresponding element name. Keep in mind that the names for the elements (and their symbols) may be different in languages other than English.