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he use DNA and skeleton and animals and plants on the Galapagos were similar but not exactly the same as animals on mainland south America

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Q: Which of the following did Darwin use to support his theory?
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How did Darwin use malthus work to formulate his theory of natural selection?

Malthus proposed the while grown foodstuffs increased arithmetically population grew geometrically. Darwin analogized this concept to the natural world of organisms. Many more organisms are born than there is resources to support them. So, Darwin figured there were variations of organisms that would survive and reproduce while leaving their survival traits with their progeny.

How did Charles Darwin use the concept of density-dependent factors in his theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin used his concept of density dependent factors in his theory of evolution by formulating a scientific argument by use of natural selection. His demonstrations showed how natural selection is the only possible link between adaptation and evolution.

Is the Darwin theory of evolution true?

We don't use the word "true" to describe scientific theories. They either fit the facts or they do not. Darwin's theory of evolution fits most of the observed facts, and does so beautifully. A theory is useful if it makes successful predictions. Darwin's theory has absolutely zero to do with belief in God. The Catholic Church does not hate God, yet endorses the view that evolution has occurred in much the way Charles Darwin described. Is there a scientific theory that better explains the evidence from paleontology, geology, anatomy, and molecular biology? No. Therefore, we provisionally accept the theory of evolution as an accurate depiction of the origin of species. Again, this has nothing to do with whether or not God exists and/or loves you. Evolution is wrong. God is true.

Why are creationists upset with Darwin's theory?

His theory doesn't fit with their ideas. They usually use the Bible to answer questions that science already has or is working on. These are questions that are not scientific questions but ones that are best debated and answered by philosophy.

Did Gregor Darwin use fruit flies?

Gregor Mendel used fruit flies. There was no one called Gregor Darwin.

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What impact did Darwin have on social philosophy?

None. Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. Herbert Spencer was the one that tried to use evolutionary theory in social philosophy.

Did Darwin use DNA analysis to support his ideas?

No. No one had any idea of DNA in the time of Darwin's evolutionary idea.

Which one of the following pieces of evidence did Wegener use to support his theory of continental drift?

the age of the rocks in the sea floor is all the same

What kind of in formation or items did he use for his theory?

What kind of information or items, did he use to support his theory

What is Alfred Wallace's theory and what evidence did he use to develop it?

Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace proposed the theory called Natural Selection. This theory explained evolution.

Which theory makes the use of Jigsaw fit in its support?

Continental Drift Theory

What types of of evidence did Darwin use to support his theory of change over time?

Individual organisms differ, but some of this variation is heritable. Species alive today are descended with modifications from ancestral species that lived in the distant past.

What types of evidence did Darwin use to support his theory of changes over time?

Individual organisms differ, but some of this variation is heritable. Species alive today are descended with modifications from ancestral species that lived in the distant past.

What types of evidence did Darwin use to support his theory of change over time?

Individual organisms differ, but some of this variation is heritable. Species alive today are descended with modifications from ancestral species that lived in the distant past.

Who had better results and conclusion out of lamarck and Darwin?

Darwin, of course. Lamarck did not have the evidence to back up his acquired characteristics and use and disuse concepts, but Darwin had massive amounts of evidence and well structured arguments for his theory of natural selection.

What kind information or items did he use to support his theory?

his brain

What kind of information or items or items did Alfred Wegener use to support his theory?
