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group 1 and 2

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Q: Which of the following groups in the periodic table contain elements so reactive that they are never found in the free state?
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What are two most reactive groups in the periodic table?

The two columns of elements in the periodic table that contain the most reactive elements are columns 1 and 17, the alkali metals and halogens respectively.

The most reactive metal among the following is?

The most reactive metals of the periodic table are those that belong to alkali group. Among this group, the more electrons contain each atom of each element, the more reactive it is. This is why Francium is the most reactive of alkali metals.

What does the modern periodic table contain?

The periodic table contain all the chemical elements.

How many laws are there in the periodic table of elements?

The periodic table of elements does not contain laws, only elements.

What do the periodic table contain?


What are the reactive elements on the periodic table?

The reactive elements on the periodic table are typically found in groups 1 and 2 (for example, alkali metals like sodium and potassium) and groups 16 and 17 (for example, halogens like chlorine and fluorine). These elements are reactive because they readily form compounds with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What does the periodic table contain more elements?

Periodic table comprises of all the elements. There are variety of elements in nature.

Which group is based on elements on the periodic table?

All groups in the periodic table contain chemical elements.

Does group 7A of the periodic tables contain the least reactive nonmetals?

No, Group 8A (Noble Gases) are the least reactive nonmetals because they have a full outer shell of electrons and do not readily form chemical bonds. Group 7A (Halogens) are more reactive in comparison.

How are elements in the Periodic Table of elements?

The periodic table of Mendeleev contain now 118 chemical elements arranged in groups and periods.

Elements in a periodic table in common?

The periodic table contain all chemical elements, placed in a rational order.

What do the periodic table of elements contain?

It contains a list of all known elements.