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Q: Which of the following is protected as free speech in the US?
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Related questions

What is the only business protected by the US Constitution?

The only businesses protected by the US Constitution are religion and free speech.

Can a person treat the us flag contemptuously?

Yes, it is protected by the right to exercise free speech.

Is it illegal to burn the American flag in Texas?

No that action is protected as Free Speech under the US Constitution.

Are first amendment of free speech and free press constrained in the US?

The US Supreme Court has traditionally interpreted freedom of speech and of the press very broadly, and has usually overturned laws or lower court decisions which might have a "chilling effect" on free speech. The traditional examples of where laws curbing freedom of speech might be allowed are that it is reasonable to prohibit someone from shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre, and that speech that is likely to incite violence is not necessarily protected. (Speech that is likely to incite protest, on the other hand, is protected.)

How is the media protected?

Based on the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, the media meaning to mean the news media is protected by the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment. This also protects everyone from censure by the government.

Marching in a parade carrying slogans?

(in the US) a Constitutionally protected expression of freedom of speech.

What amendment allows the burning of the US flag?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the act of burning the US flag as a form of free speech. In 1989, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. Johnson that burning the US flag is a symbolic expression protected under the First Amendment.

What are three types of speech not protected by the US Constitution?

Dexter Haven of Straight Dope Staff of the Chicago Reader says, "...there are several limitations on free speech, as interpreted by the courts. The most famous example: you can't yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. But other examples are related to treason -- the Rosenbergs were tried and hanged for selling nuclear secrets to Russia, and "free speech" wouldn't have been an exoneration.... Treason trumps free speech."

Is seditious speech protected by the constitution?

Seditious speech is the most hated type of speech. Yet the US Constitution does provide for the protection of seditious speech if it is not found to harmful or disruptive to the rights and freedoms of others.

Exercises on direct and indirect speech?

Change the following direct speech into indirect speech: Direct speech: "I am going to the store," said Mary. Indirect speech: Mary said that she was going to the store. Change the following direct speech into indirect speech: Direct speech: "I will help you with your homework," Tom promised. Indirect speech: Tom promised to help me with my homework. Change the following direct speech into indirect speech: Direct speech: "I have finished my work," John stated. Indirect speech: John stated that he had finished his work. Change the following direct speech into indirect speech: Direct speech: "We are going to travel next month," they told us. Indirect speech: They informed us that they were going to travel the following month.

How is the media protected through the US Constitution?

The Media is protected under the 1st amendment (freedom of speech and press) they have the same rights as people do, they just use it for their job.

Is this true or false The right of political protest is not constitutionally protected as an integral part of freedom of speech in the US?
