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its amuni acid

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proteins are polymers of amino acids.

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Q: Which of the following is the main building block of proteins?
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What is the building blocks of all living things?

The cell is the basic building block of all living things. yes and cells are made of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen so those are your main building blocks of all living things :)

Building blocks of the cell?

A typical animal cell consists of a cytoplasm encased by a cell membrane. In the cytoplasm is:- a nucleus - stores genetic information- ribosomes - where proteinsythesis takes place- mitochrondria - for cellular respiration

Why do people need protein?

Proteins provide the body with amino acids which are essential to its functioning, and to building muscle. Proteins are obtained from external sources, but it must be pointed out that millions of people enjoy a vegetarian diet. The consumption of meat is not essential. Look up amino acids to get an idea of them - few in number. They are the formation of the DNA ladder! In a sense, proteins are analogous to vitamins which are also essential to the body's functioning, but some of which we cannot make ourselves.

Which word best describes the main idea of the following statement from a Venetian merchant?


Where would you expect to find proteins involved with movement of structures within a cell?

Ribosomes which are the protein factories, secrete their proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum. The Ribosomes attach themselves to the ER and secrete the proteins inside. Once inside the ER the proteins travel along the maze that is the Endoplasmic Reticulum until they reach the end of the ER. They then break out of the ER in a membranous sac known as a vesicle. From there the vesicle will transport the protein to different areas of the cell for work to be done.

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What is the main building blocks of tissues and organs?

Cells are the main building blocks of all tissues. Tissues are the building block of organs.

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The main building material of plasma membranes are?

Phospholipids and integral proteins.

Two main steps for building proteins from genetic information are?

transcrption and translation

What is the main feature of amino acids?

It's the building block for a protein.

What is the main building block of a cell?

Nothing occurs without FOOD.

What element is the main building block for plastics?

The main building block for plastics is not an element but rather a molecule that's called 'monomere' which turns into a 'polymere' by combining many molecules together (polymerisation reaction) in plastics

Are amino acids the main building block of antibodies?

Yes, they do. Antibodies are a formation of many proteins inside of an organism, and all proteins are formed from a synthesis of amino acids.

Which building block is the main structural material of organisms?

Most of the structural components of an organism is made from proteins. Connective tissues like collagen and adhesion structures are made of proteins, usually more than one per unit, to connect and hold an organism together and provide structure.

What is the main purpose of proteins in the body?

There are innumerable functions of proteins in the body. Well, the primary functions of proteins include building and repairing of body tissues, regulation of body processes and formation of enzymes and hormones.