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14y ago
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11y ago

The suffix "-ous" is a common one for creating an adjective. Examples include victory/victorious, harmony/harmonious, venom/venomous, glamor/glamorous, monogamy/monogamous, cancer/cancerous, danger/dangerous, and carnivore/carnivorous.

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10y ago

I assume you are looking for the ary ending, giving secondary

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Q: Which of the following suffixes does not form an adjective when added to a word?
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The suffixes for "fame" are "-ous" and "-ousness," which can be added to form words like "famous" and "famousness."

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Two suffixes that can be added to the word "light" are "ness" to form "lightness" and "en" to form "lighten".

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I think that it is the way of using suffixes and prefix to noun, adjective, verb or adverb. So, there has just only one way to form the kind of word what you want to mention is to master to adding suffixes or suffixes properly.

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What suffixes can be added to instruct?

Some possible suffixes that can be added to "instruct" include "-ed" (instructed), "-ing" (instructing), and "-ion" (instruction). These suffixes can change the tense or form of the word while maintaining its core meaning of giving information or guidance.

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The noun or verb "tax" can use the following suffixes: -able to form the adjective taxable (adverb taxably) -ing to form the present participle taxing (noun, adjective/adjunct, verb) -er to form the noun taxer -ation (-tion) to form the noun taxation (*The noun taxonomy is not based directly on the word tax.)

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Suffixes means bearing or producing?

Suffixes are letters or groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or form. They can indicate aspects such as tense, number, or gender.