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Q: Which of the following takes a sentence that contains subjective information and makes it objective Note The paragraph in which the original can be found is listed after the edited sentence?
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The type, of economy is a mixed economy because of the goods, and subjective of the economy we use the best of the west.

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Please enlighten us with which following paragraph and reading skills textbook you mean. Your question will go unanswered until this information is given.

What is the purpose of subheadings?

They are used to explain what a particular paragraph is about to give you an idea about what the paragraph is about.

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0 wpm since there is no following paragraph and so zero words in it.

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Start with "In conclusion,....", than rewrite the information.

What is a paragraph providing relevant information about each character that appears between the introductory paragraph and the first body paragraph?

Summary paragraph

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Sounds like a format for an essay.

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Expository or Explanatory paragraph gives information about something.

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relevant information about each character

What should be in a body of a letter?

The body of a business letter should include: First paragraph: one sentence or two, stating why you are writing. Second paragraph: give the facts and information supporting your request or inquiry. This can actually be more than one paragraph or if several facts are necessary, use bullets. Don't use emotional language or go off the target of your objective. Third paragraph: tell the addressee what you want them to do or what you want to happen (this is called the 'call to action paragraph'). State any dates that may be deadlines or that the information or action is required by. Give your contact information and phone number at the end to be sure it's easy for the addressee to find it. Always end a business letter by thanking the recipient for their time and effort.

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An explicit paragraph leaves no uncertain terms of information. An implicit paragraph provides a point that is less clear.

Which of the following consists of the followinng three elements introduction paragraph supporting or body and conclusion paragraph?

A literary analysis essay