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Infrastructure is the term that best describes the basic physical structures, services, and facilities needed for a country to operate, including transportation systems, utilities, and communication networks.

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Q: Which of the following terms best describes the basic physical structures services and facilities needed for the country to operate?
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What does infrastructures mean?

Infrastructure refers to the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society, community or enterprise.

What is the difference of amenities and facilities?

Amenities refer to additional features or services that enhance comfort or convenience, usually provided by a property or organization. Facilities, on the other hand, are physical or built structures that serve a specific purpose or function, such as a gym, swimming pool, or meeting room. Essentially, amenities are services or perks, while facilities are tangible spaces or structures.

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What are facilities?

Facilities are physical locations, buildings, or structures where specific activities or services take place. They can include offices, factories, hospitals, recreational areas, and more. Facilities are designed to meet specific needs and provide a functional space for people to work, play, or access services.

What is the meaning of physical facilities?

Physical facilities refer to the buildings, equipment, and infrastructure that support operations within a physical environment. This can include structures like offices, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and retail stores, as well as utilities, machinery, technology, and other assets needed for business activities. Physical facilities play a crucial role in enabling organizations to carry out their functions effectively.

What are the infra mean?

"Infra" typically refers to infrastructure, which encompasses the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. This can include buildings, roads, power supplies, and other essential facilities.

What is physical diversity?

Physical diversity describes a variety of physical characteristics and abilities. For example, you can see physical diversity in plant structures, as some are tall, some are different colors, some do not have leaves, some pollinate, some grow flowers, etc.

What is the physical structures of a sheep?

mosly white

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It has rings.

Example of physical facilities in bank?

A banks Physical Facilities relates to their actual customer service locations as opposed to their electronic/online/distance customer service points.The Physical Facilities pertain to those which a client can actually touch, such as:ATM'sBank BranchTellersVaultsThis is as opposed to services which can only be accessed by distance, such as:Internet BankingPostal Banking