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In general, atomic size decreases across a period - however making ions changes this general trend. All of the above ions would have the same number of electrons, so one needs to consider the number of protons in the ion. Polonium has the fewest protons, so it cannot pull as strongly on the same number of electrons as Radium - for this reason, Po2- would be the largest, then At1-, then Fr1+, and lastly Ra2+ would be the smallest.

(All the above elements are somewhat rare, so calculating the exact size of each ion would be difficult with high precision - however based on periodic trends one can make a good estimate)

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2w ago

A Francium ion with a +1 charge would have the largest atomic radius. When an atom gains a negative charge, it becomes smaller due to the increased attraction between electrons and the nucleus. Conversely, when an atom loses a positive charge, it becomes larger as there are fewer electrons to attract towards the nucleus.

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Q: Which of the following would have the largest atomic radius a Polonium ion with -2 charge an Astatine ion with a -1 charge a Francium ion with plus-1 charge or a Radium ion with plus-2 charge?
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