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The main organ of respiration would be the two things you feel move in and out every time you breath, which if you haven't caught on yet, its you lungs silly :D

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Q: Which of the organs of respiration is the main organ of the respiratory system?
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What is the name of a group of different tissue working together?

A group of different tissues working together form the system. For example respiratory system consists of a large number of tissues forming different organs. Likewise digestive system also comprises several tissues and organs.A group of different tissues working together form the system. For example respiratory system consists of a large number of tissues forming different organs. Likewise digestive system also comprises several tissues and organs.

Organ system definition?

In biology, a Biological system (or Organ system) is a group of organs that work together to perform a certain task. Common systems, such as those present in mammals and other animals, seen in human anatomy, are those such as the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, etc.

What is the definition of a organ system?

Our body is made of cells and when the same cells come together, they form a tissue. Different tissues form an organ. Different organs form an organ system and different organs form an organism. This is a simple way to understand an organism by 'pieces' instead of learning it all at one time. You will find that most studies: math, chemistry, physics are done in this way.

What are digestive organs working together called?

Digestive organs working together is called the digestive system.

The human heart is one example of an tissue or organ?

The levels or organization are: cells -->tissues--->organs--->organ systems--->organism. The heart is an organ of the organ system called the cardiovascular system. This includes the heart, veins and arteries and blood.

Related questions

Which is not an organ of the respiratory system?

The organs that are not for respiration are as follows The intestance

Which organ system provides oxygen for cellular respiration?

Respiratory system

Is your respiratory system an organ?

no, but the different parts of your respiratory system are such as your lungs being organs and part of your respiratory system.

What organ does your respiratory system use?

The lungs conduct respiration.

Hat organ is part of the frog's respiratory system and not the humans?

The organ that is part of the frog's respiratory system that is not found in the human respiratory system is the skin. The skin is not involved in human respiration.

What organ system makes respiration possible?

The respiratory, circulatory, and the digestive system.

A system that includes one or more organs?

organ system an example would be respiratory

What Organ takes Oxygen out of the air for respiration?

The lungs take in oxygen from the air during respiration. Oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream through tiny air sacs called alveoli in the lungs, where it is then transported to cells throughout the body.

Which organs are part of the respiratory system?

The lungs. The diaphragm is a muscle that aids in respiration, and the trachea, or airway, is the tube that is used to transport oxygen to the lungs. You could argue that the brain is a part of the respiratory system, as it has to send the signal to the lungs that it's time to breathe when the blood begins to become too alkalotic.

What are the functions of each organ of the respiratory system?

The organs in the respiratory system are responsible for you breathing. Please give me the 10 points!

What the organs of respiratory system?

in the respiratory system there is lungs, mouth, nose, throat. it is a very small organ system, yet very important

What the difference between organ system and organism?

An organ system contain many organs which are working together for common system is meant for respiratory process which contain many organs starting from nose,nasopharynx,pharynx,trachea,bronchii to lungs.An organ is part of an organ system which usually perform a single or multiple functions.