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Secondary sources

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Q: Which of these interpret and analyze historical documents?
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What do historians do when using the historical thinking skill of analyzing historical sources?

Answer this question… Analyze the work of other historians to draw conclusions

What are the five steps of historical method?

interpret, collect, synthesize, classify, analyze.

What do historians do when using the historical thinking skill of evaluating interpretations?

Answer this question… Analyze the work of other historians to draw conclusions

When historians collect classify analyze interpret synthesize and report data they are using the?

They are using the historical method.

Who was most likely to study written records?

A historian or a researcher in the field of archives management would be most likely to study written records. These professionals analyze, interpret, and preserve historical documents for academic or archival purposes.

It can be difficult to read and interpret primary historical documents for several different reasons Why is it difficult to read and correctly interpret the Mayflower Compact and all of its meanings?

It is difficult to read and correctly interpret because it was so influenced by the historical events that happened just before it was written.

What two main types of sources does a historian use?

A historian uses primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time under study, to gain a direct understanding of historical events. They also use secondary sources, such as books or articles written by other scholars, which interpret and analyze primary sources to provide context and a broader understanding of the historical period.

If one form of historical source secondary sources are based on?

Secondary sources are based on primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied. Secondary sources analyze, interpret, or provide commentary on primary sources to offer a new perspective or understanding of historical events.

All of these are primary sources except?

Primary sources include original documents or artifacts created during the time being studied, such as diaries, speeches, letters, interviews, and photographs. Secondary sources interpret or analyze primary sources and are not original documents.

What are the advantages of historical documents to sociologists?

Historical documents can be compared to today's documents and produce more accurate results. Historical documents can make research easier, and kick-start observations for sociologists. Historical documents can contain references to further enhance research.

What are some antonyms for analyze?

Evaluate, inspect and interpret are just some.

What are historical documents?

Documents that were written in the past