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jet stream

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Q: Which of these is a global wind that wraps around the earth?
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Global wind that wraps around the earth?

The global wind system that wraps around Earth is known as the jet stream. There are two main jet streams in each hemisphere – the polar jet stream and the subtropical jet stream – that flow from west to east at high altitudes in the atmosphere. Jet streams play a key role in shaping weather patterns and can influence the movement of storms and air masses.

What do you mean about global wind system?

The global wind system is a pattern of prevailing wind movements that circulate around the Earth in response to the differential heating of the atmosphere by the sun. It includes the trade winds, westerlies, and polar easterlies, which help regulate weather patterns and climate on a global scale.

What are the characteristics of the main global wind systems?

wind on earth

Is global warming the primary cause of wind?

No. Wind is caused by a combination uneven heating of Earth's surface and Earth's rotation. There has always been wind on Earth and there always will be, with or without global warming.

What factors contribute to global wind?

The shape of the earth, uneven heating, and rotating earth contribute to global winds.

What is the main cause of the global wind patterns on earth?

The Sun

Which global wind is indicated here on earth?

trade winds

How does wind travel around the world?

Wind travels around the world due to the Earth's rotation, heating imbalances between the equator and the poles, and the Coriolis effect. These factors together create global wind patterns that move air masses from high pressure to low pressure areas, resulting in the circulation of wind around the world.

Whats the difference between jet streams and global wind belts?

The difference between jet streams and global wind belts is jet streams is winds of high speed generally from the west that move 250 miles per hour. Global wind belts are created when the earth receives an unequal amount of heat from sunlight and the spinning of the earth.

What causes the uneven insolation that results in global wind currents?

Earth's tilt

How are local and global winds different?

local winds-are winds that blow over short distances caused by unequal heating of the earths surface in a small area. global winds-are winds that blow around the earth from the north pole to the south pole.

What Global wind zones are set up by air moving from zones of?

The global wind zones are set up by air moving from zones of high pressure to zones of low pressure. This creates different wind patterns such as the trade winds, westerlies, and polar easterlies around the Earth.