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The text structure

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Q: Which of these is the pattern an author uses to present his or her ideas?
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Related questions

What does the text structure of an essay indicate?

pattern the author uses to present his or her ideas.

What is text structure?

The pattern an author uses to present ideas in a text

The text structure of an essay is the?


What is a text structure?

The pattern an author uses to present ideas in a text

Which is a pattern where an author uses to present his or her ideas?

One common pattern is the chronological structure, which presents ideas in the order they occurred. Another is the cause and effect pattern, where the author explains the reasons for events and their outcomes. Compare and contrast is used to explain similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

When an author uses a fable with a moral to present a message what is the most likely purpose?

to teach??

What method of organization is used by the writer?

The writer uses the chronological method of organization to present events or ideas in the order in which they occurred or should be carried out.

What techniques does the author of a memoir use to present facts and present opinions?

In a memoir, the author uses storytelling techniques to present facts in a compelling and engaging way, such as vivid descriptions, dialogue, and scene-setting. To present opinions, the author may use introspection, reflection, and personal commentary to express their thoughts and feelings on the events and experiences they recount.

What terms is defined as the words an author uses in a literary work which is part of a literary style?

Writting pattern

Explain how the author uses anecdotes or stories to illustrate key ideas of the passage?

The author uses anecdotes or stories to make abstract concepts more relatable and understandable to the reader. By providing real-world examples or personal experiences, the author can effectively convey the key ideas of the passage in a more engaging and memorable way. These anecdotes help to illustrate the main points and drive home the message of the passage.

An artist uses acrylic paints sometimes. what is the present tense?

The present tense is "uses".

What does expository text structure mean?

The organizational pattern an author uses to structure the ideas in a text (eg cause/effect, compare/contrast, description, problem/solution, sequential, goal/action/outcome, concept/definition, proposition/support).