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Q: Which of these refers to a raised level area that is often cut by a steep canyon?
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A raised, level area that is often cut by a steep canyon?

Plateau, a large elevated piece of land that rises sharply above its surroundings and may be intersected by deep canyons.

Who built the cliff dwelling chaco canyon?

The Chaco canyon buildings were built by the ancestors of todays Pueblo people. They are often called the Ancestral Pueblo people. They are not cliff dwellings but on level ground and made of stone.

Do the volcanoes erupt often in the Grand Canyon?

There are no volcanoes in the Grand Canyon.

What is upper stage in theater term?

An upper stage in theatre typically refers to a raised platform or level that is located above the main stage. It is often used for scenes requiring elevated or balcony views, or for additional staging space for performers.

Raised formation with a level top and often a steep front that resembles a giant stair step is called?

Table Top

Where The largest canyon of US?

The Canyon is 120 miles long, as much as 20 miles wide, and has a maximum depth of more than 800 feet. Its elevation at the rim is 3,500 feet above sea level. It is often claimed that Palo Duro Canyon is the second largest canyon in the United States. The largest, the Grand Canyon, is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and 6,000 ft. deep.

What often forms a canyon?

A river and erosion

What is the difference between a canyon and a mountain?

A canyon is a deep valley with steep sides often carved by a river or glacial activity, while a mountain is a landform that rises prominently above its surroundings with a peak or summit. Canyons are typically formed through erosion, while mountains are generally created through tectonic processes such as uplift and volcanic activity.

A raised platform on which plays are often performed?

A raised platform on which plays are often performed

What is a geographical term know as a canyon?

A canyon, or gorge, is a deep valley between cliffs often carved from the landscape by a river.

What is informative level?

The informative level refers to the depth and usefulness of information provided. It assesses how well information communicates details and insights on a topic to meet the needs of the audience.

What does curbing mean?

Curb has many meanings, the most common of which is probably the raised edge of a raised footpath or roadway.