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During contraction the two articulating bones move equally

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9y ago

There are no choices to pick from the statements about skeletal muscles that is false. The skeletal muscle is a striated muscle tissue which is voluntarily controlled by the nervous system.

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11y ago

it is voluntary and striated

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Q: Which generalization concerning movement by skeletal muscles is not true?
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Which muscles help with movement?

Skeletal Muscles

Which muscle type is voluntary in action?

The skeletal muscle is the only type of muscle which is voluntary.

Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles is called?

Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by tough cords called tendons. When nerve signals are sent from the brain and spinal cord, these muscles contract to produce movement.

What does the skeletal system have to do with the movement of the body?

Our muscles pull on our bones to effect movement.

What is another name for skeletal muscles?

skeletal muscles are defined as attached to the bones of the skeleton and make body movement possible. they are also known as striated muscles and they are voluntary muscles, meaning you can control any movement.

What type of muscle attaches to the skeletal system and allows movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscles attach to the skeleton and allow movement. In contrast, smooth muscles are not under voluntary control.

Which joint in the body allow movement to be produced by the skeletal muscle?

all four of the joints are moved by skeletal muscles without skeletal muscles joints wouldn't move

What part of the brain controls movement of the skeletal muscles?


What actions are produced by voluntary or skeletal muscles?

Movement of the bones.

Does skeletal muscles move limbs and produce smiles?

Yes, skeletal muscles are responsible for the movement of limbs in the body. They contain muscle fibers that contract and relax, causing the bones they are attached to move. Skeletal muscles also play a role in producing smiles, as they assist in the movement of the muscles in the face that create facial expressions.

Where is skeletal muscles located?

If you think about it, skeletal muscle are muscles that connect bones. So wherever you have bone, it is covered with skeletal muscle. Muscles do not connect bones. Muscles are the source for movement and protection for bones.

What are muscles are called?

because its attach to the bones movement is a shorten shorten contrast