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Q: Which of these words describes planets which have solid rocky surfaces?
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What are planets with solid rocky surfaces called?

Planets with solid rocky surfaces are called terrestrial planets. These planets are usually composed of rock and metal, with a thinner atmosphere compared to gas giants. Examples of terrestrial planets include Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.

What do all of the terrestrial planets have in common?

They all have solid, rocky surfaces.

The four terrestrial planets that have solid rocky surfaces are?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Which solar system bodies have solid rocky surfaces and metallic cores?

The inner planets and asteroids, and Pluto.

What are the properties for the solar system's planets?

the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) all have rocky solid surfaces. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) all have gaseous atmospheres and liquid surfaces. Pluto is very dense and has a rocky surface.

Which solar systems have solid and rocky surfaces?

Although itis not known totally, but most if not all solar systems will contain rocky planets and planetesimals.

Why are the surfaces of the inner planets rocky and solid yet the surfaces of the outer planets are gasous with icy centers?

There is no particular reason why the outer planets are gas and the inner planets are rock, but the outer planets have icy cores because they are all far away from the sun.

How are inner planets characterized?

Inner planets are characterized by their proximity to the sun and their rocky composition. They are also known as terrestrial planets as they have solid surfaces and are made up of mostly rock and metal. Inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are generally smaller and have shorter orbital periods compared to outer planets.

What is the same about Earth Venus and Mercury?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are all terrestrial planets, meaning they have solid, rocky surfaces.

What are the four terrestrial planets known for?

The four terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are known for their solid rocky surfaces, relatively small size compared to gas giants, and proximity to the Sun. They are also characterized by having thin atmospheres and few or no moons.

Do planets have craters?

All planets with solid surfaces have craters.

Can gas planets have craters?

No. Gas planets do not have solid surfaces.