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The white blood cells that the body uses to fight off infections can travel all over the body via the blood and so don't require any specific organ to do most of their work. However, the immune system does have important organs. Infections are often detected in lymph nodes (for example the glands in your neck which can swell when you have a throat infection or a cold). Infection is detected in the lymph nodes and then they swell as white blood cells inside them divide and grow. In addition, the spleen is important, as a site of white blood cell production and activation. In extreme infections the spleen can become dangerously swollen (called splenomegaly, for example in mononucleosis , 'mono', which is called glandular fever in the UK). White blood cells called T cells are also produced in the thymus, an organ in the chest which is present in young people, but gets smaller and is not required in adults. Finally, the bone marrow is very important for continuously producing white blood cells which fight infections, such as neutrophils. Antibodies in our blood which protect us from infection for years or decades after vaccination, are produced by B cells which live in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is probably the only organ of the immune system which is essential throughout life, individual lymph nodes can be removed with no serious effects on the immune system, and even the spleen can be removed if necessary, although it does have other functions. The thymus is very important in young babies and children in producing a type of white blood cell called the Tcell, but as we get older, the ones we have can last a whole lifetime, so it stops producing them and shrivels. When heart surgery was first carried out, the function of the thymus was unknown, and surgeons used to remove it and throw it away! With no side effects in adult patients.

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15y ago

The lymphoid system defends against infection and disease. The lymphoid system defends against infection and disease.

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14y ago

Bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and tonsils.

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10y ago

Spleen is the organ, you can call, which fights the infection. It is a part of the lymphoid system.

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White blood cells

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Q: What organs does a human body use to fight off infection?
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