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Q: Which organism is at the higher trophic level - dolphins or plankton?
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What happens when an organism from a higher trophic level eats an organism from a lower trophic level?

When an organism from a higher trophic level eats one from a lower trophic level, it gains energy and nutrients from the consumed organism. This contributes to the transfer of energy through the food chain and helps regulate population sizes in the ecosystem.

Do the biomass of organisms in a typical ecological pyramid increases at each level?

The biomass of each organism decreases with each level. With less energy at higher trophic levels, there are usually fewer organisms as well. Organisms tend to be larger in size at higher trophic levels, but their smaller numbers result in less biomass. Biomass is the total mass of organisms at a trophic level.

True or false about 20 of the evergy found on a trophic leve is passed on a higher trophic level?

False. Roughly 10% of the energy is passed on to a higher trophic level, with the rest being lost as heat through metabolic processes.

What 3 factors account for decreasing biomass at higher trophic levels?

the flow of energy: primary production higher than trophic levels.

What is biomagnifications?

Increase of concentration of non biodegradable pollution at each trophic level .This phenomenon is called biomagnification

Why does productivity diminish with increase trophic levels?

Due to poor trophic transfer efficiency, most energy is lost at higher trophic levels.

Which of the following is the correct word meaning to feed tropic trophic topic triphica or tropical?

trophic as in higher trophic levels feed on lower ones

Give reasons for assigning trophic levels to each organism in an ecosystem.?

Assigning trophic levels to organisms in an ecosystem helps to understand the flow of energy and nutrients through the food chain. It helps to identify the role of each organism in the ecosystem, such as producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers. This information is essential for understanding the stability and dynamics of the ecosystem.

Why are some pollutants more harmful to organisms at higher trophic levels?

Higher trophic levels are animals that are higher up on the food chain. When animals lower on the food chain get effected by pollutants, it transfers to the animal that eats that one. And so on. So the animals on the higher trophic level eat the most animals(animals with the pollutants).

Why are there so few organisms at the top of an energy pyramid?

This is because only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next. The other 90% or so is used up by the organism itself for life processes, digestion, excretion, growth, movement and transpiration for plants. Therefore the amount of energy decrease up the trophic levels and the higher the trophic level, the less the energy received.

In food chains why do the arrows flow from the bottom upwards?

The energy is transferred from a lower trophic level to a higher trophic level when resources are consumed.

Is entropy is greater at higher trophic level than a lower level?
