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Hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3

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Q: Which pair of nuclei can undergo a fusion reaction?
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What is mirror nuclie?

Mirror nuclei is a pair of atomic nuclei. Each would be transformed into the other by changing all its neutrons into protons, and vice versa.

What type of nuclear energy powers the sun?

Nuclear fusion in the sun works by fusion of hydrogen nuclei, ie protons, into helium nuclei. There are three stages: 1. two protons combine to form a proton-neutron pair, a positron, and a neutrino. 2.a proton-neutron pair combines with another proton to form a doubleproton-neutron triplet and a gamma ray. 3. two doubleproton-neutron triplets combine to form a doubleproton-doubleneutron particle (ie a helium nucleus) and two more protons. The energy releases of these stages are as follows: In the Sun, with a 10 million K core, hydrogen fuses to form helium in the proton-proton chain reaction: : 41H → 22H + 2e+ + 2νe (4.0 MeV + 1.0 MeV) : 21H + 22H → 23He + 2γ (5.5 MeV) : 23He → 4He + 21H (12.9 MeV) These reactions result in the overall reaction: : 41H → 4He + 2e+ + 2γ + 2νe (26.7 MeV) where e+ is a positron, γ is a gamma ray photon, νe is a neutrino, and H and He are isotopes of hydrogen and helium, respectively. The energy released by this reaction is in millions of electron volts, which is actually only a tiny amount of energy. However enormous numbers of these reactions occur constantly, producing all the energy necessary to sustain the star's radiation output. Thus the overall energy production of a helium nucleus releases 26.7 MeV. (1MeV = 1.6 x 10-13 Joules) This is partly gamma energy and partly kinetic energy of the particles formed. You can follow this process with the diagram attached as a link below

Each force in an action-reaction pair of forces is equal in what?

In magnitude.

Do centripetal and centrifugal force constitute action reaction pair explain?

No. "Action-reaction pair" implies that if an object "A" acts on object "B", then object "B" will also act on object "A". This isn't the case here.

How many objects interact to produce an action reaction pair?

It only takes two.

Related questions

When two hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium nucleus nuclear fusion has taken place.?

Yes, this is nuclear fusion.

Do stars give off light as a part of a nuclear fusion reaction in which helium atoms are split into hydrogen atoms?

No. In a fusion reaction, a heavier element is made of a lighter pair by "gluing" them together in a fusion reaction. When we split an atom, that's called atom splitting, or sometimes fission, not fusion. They are opposites. Stars give off light, but the primary fuel in their fusion engines is hydrogen, which they convert into helium. As the hydrogen burns out, the star begins making helium into carbon.

Why aromatic amine not undergo mannich base reaction?

`because of aromatic ring nitrogen lone pair will participate in resonance which make the acidic amine,that's why

Which pair of organelles has internal membranes?

chloroplast and nuclei

Where do the neutrons come from when hydrogen turns into helium in nuclear fusion?

In fusion engines we call stars, protons, which are hydrogen nuclei, are forced together and fused to create helium. This happens in early stellar life with the small- to medium-sized stars. When the protons are forced together, the first step involves fusing a pair of protons together with the weak interaction or weak nuclear force mediating the change of a proton into a neutron. Deuterium, or heavy hydrogen, is created. When deuterium reacts with a proton and the pair of particles are fused, a helium-3 nucleus is formed. From there, the reaction possibilities increase and we view what could occur along branches. This is the proton-proton chain reaction that is the basic process in stellar nucleosynthesis. The key to understanding these reactions is the knowledge of the ability of a proton to transform into a neutron through mediation by the weak nuclear force.

What is a lone pair?

A lone pair is elements in a chemical reaction that are not used in the reaction.

Do centripetal and centrifugal reaction constitute action-reaction pair?

No. They acts on same body. So they do not constitute action-reaction pair.

What is nuclied?

Mirror nuclei is a pair of atomic nuclei. Each would be transformed into the other by changing all its neutrons into protons, and vice versa.

What is mirror nuclie?

Mirror nuclei is a pair of atomic nuclei. Each would be transformed into the other by changing all its neutrons into protons, and vice versa.

What are the waste products produced by nuclear fusion?

These are the fission products, they are lighter elements formed by the splitting of uranium 235 nuclei into two pieces. The process produces a range of pair combinations, not always the same pair, but there are two peaks of resulting atomic number nuclei. Many of the fission products are intensely radioactive, and so dangerous, but they are contained within the fuel and its zircaloy sheath, and so long as this is intact they can be controlled safely. It is only if the fuel sheath is damaged that the active products can escape, but even then they will not leak to atmosphere unless there is also a leak in the primary reactor circuit. See link below

What is a action reaction pair?

deck the card

How did frederic joliot and irene curie induced the radioactivity?

By bombarding aluminum with alpha particles, this pair was able to change some of the Al-27 nuclei into P-30 nuclei.