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Q: Which pairs of real-world data offers models of exactly one exponential relationship and one linear relationship?
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Is Voltage-Current relationship of diode Linear or Exponential?

It closely approximates an exponential function.

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What is the opposite of a linear relationship?

It is non-linear relationship. This could be a polynomial relationship where the polynomial is of order > 1. Or it could be any other algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic, etc relationship. It could be a step relationship, or could even be a random mapping.

Categorize the graph as linear increasing linear decreasing exponential growth or exponential decay.?

Exponential Decay. hope this will help :)

Is time dialation exponential or linear?

Time dilation, which can be derived from the Lorentz transformations is t'=t/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) where t is the time interval in the rest frame, and t' is the interval in the lab frame. This relationship is neither linear or exponential in v.

How do you find out if a problem is linear or exponential?

You find out if a problem is linear or exponential by looking at the degree or the highest power; if the degree or the highest power is 1 or 0, the equation is linear. But if the degree is higher than 1 or lower than 0, the equation is exponential.

What is the opposite of linear?

I think the word you're looking for is "exponential". A linear expression is of the form ax + b whereas an exponential expression is of the form x^a + b.

Is the relationship between the fluid flow rate and the flow radius linear or expontial?

The answer you are looking for is exponential. Flow 4, Radius 1.5 Flow 12.6, Radius 2 Flow 30.7, Raduis 2.5 ....etc Linear growth continues to increase at the same rate, whereas exponential growth increases at an expanding rate. Linear growth 1+1=2 2+1=3 3+1=4 Exponential 2x3=6 3x3=9 4x3=12

How are linear and exponential functions alike?

They have infinite domains and are monotonic.

Is an exponential function linear?

No. An exponential function is not linear. A very easy way to understand what is and what is not a linear function is in the word, "linear function." A linear function, when graphed, must form a straight line.P.S. The basic formula for any linear function is y=mx+b. No matter what number you put in for the m and b variables, you will always make a linear function.

What is positive linear relationship?

Positive Linear Relationships are is there is a relationship in the situation. In some equations they aren't linear, but other relationships are, that's a positive linear Relationship.