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yes! its the Asthenosphere :D

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2y ago
incorrect . it's geosphere .

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Q: Which part of Earth is made of rock that is close to its melting point?
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Which part of earth is made of rock that is close to it's melting point?

yes! its the Asthenosphere :D

What is the melting point for reamer?

A reamer is a tool, not a material. The melting point would depend on what material the reamer is made of.

What is the melting point of magnet?

Depends on what it is made of.

What is important of melting point?

Knowing the melting point of a substance provides information to determine what the substance is if its unknown. If you are making a substance, checking the melting point will let you know if you have made what you set out to make, (because impurities can mess up the melting point)

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What is melting point of coins?

This can't be answered. It depends what the coin is made of.

What is the melting point of a balloon?

The mass of the balloon depends on its size. For small sized balloon, weighing scale can be used to calculate the mass. Anything that has mass will have gravitational force acting on it.

How long can a solid stay outside with out melting?

Depends on what the solid is made of and what the temperature is. Sand is a solid and will stay outside forever in normal Earth temperatures without melting. Ice will stay outside forever if the temperature remains below freezing point.

What is the coil made of in incandescent light bulbs?

It is made of tungsten, a metal with a very high melting point.

What is the melting point of a battery?

The melting point of a battery can vary depending on the type of battery. For example, lithium-ion batteries have a melting point around 600-800 degrees Celsius. It's important to handle batteries carefully to prevent overheating and potential safety hazards.

What is the melting point of a light bulb?

The melting point of a light bulb can vary depending on the type of material used. For incandescent bulbs, which are made of glass, the melting point is around 1400-1600 degrees Fahrenheit. LED bulbs, on the other hand, are made of different materials and have higher melting points, typically around 300-400 degrees Fahrenheit.

What made quartz solidify?

The melting point of quartz is approx. 1 700 oc.