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The biggest part of the sheep's brain is the Cerebrum.

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Q: Which part of a sheeps brain is the biggest?
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What brain is similar to a sheeps brain?

Human Brains are similair in structure to a sheeps brain, sheep have larger olfactory bulbs though, sheeps brains are also not a large as humans.

What is the biggest part of the fetus?

The biggest part of the fetus is the head/brain..

What is the third biggest part of the brain?

third brain is our thinking brain is called the cerebral cortex

The Cerebrum is the biggest part of what organ in your body?

Cerebrum is found in brain.

What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain!!?

The cerebrum

What is the most prominent portion of the human brain and why?

The cerebrum is the biggest part of the human brain.

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Which lobe is used for thinking?

The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain's weight.The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain and it controls your voluntary muscles: the ones that move when you want them to.

Are sheeps brains the size of peas?

No not quite a sheep brain is only a bit smaller than a human brain maybe 1 1/2 fists roughly.

Where can you find the biggest brain?

brain land

What is the largest and second largest part of your brain?

The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain's weight. The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain and it controls your voluntary muscles - the ones that move when you want them to. The cerebellum is a motor region of the brain, dealing with the subconscious movements of the muscles. This butterfly-shaped section is the second largest area of the brain. The cerebellum deals with coordination, posture, and balance.

If 10 sheeps in a group in that group 5 sheeps left how many sheeps are remaining?

5 sheep