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Q: Which part of speech describes a noun or pronoun Answers what kind how many which one?
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What kind of parts of speech is her?

a pronoun used as a possessive adjective.

What kind of speech is the word 'this'?

"This" is a pronoun of the type called "demonstrative".

What kind of word in a sentence is used to describe identify or quantify a noun or pronoun?

A word that describes a noun or pronoun is an ADJECTIVE.

How many adjectives are in two large oaks covered your evergreens?

I think it's three adjectives because two answers the question "how many?", large answers the questions "what kind?", and your is a pronoun used as an adjective in that situation because your further describes the evergreens

What is the part of speech that answers the question what kind?

The part of speech that answers the question "what kind" is an adjective. Adjectives describe or modify nouns and pronouns by providing information about their qualities or characteristics.

What kind of parts of speech is theirs?

The word "theirs" is a pronoun. It is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership or belonging.

What are the 8 kind of speech?

Speech can be categorized into 8 parts namely preposition, adjective, adverb, verb, pronoun, noun, interjection and conjunction. Grammatical reference and meaning is determined with the help of this classification.

What kind of pronoun is her?

The pronoun 'her' is a personal pronoun; the third person, objective form that takes the place of a noun for a female.Example: We saw her at the mall.The pronoun 'her' is a possessive adjective, which describes a noun that belongs to a female. A possessive adjective is placed just before the noun it describes.Example: Her bicycle is new.

What kind of part of speech is when?

"When" can function as a subordinating conjunction, adverb, or a relative pronoun in a sentence, depending on its use.

What part of speech is Persian in Persian cat?

It is an adjective, as it describes what kind of cat you're referring to.

What kind of parts of speech is fast?

"Fast" is an adjective, because it describes a noun (e.g., a fast car).

What part of speech is heavy in the sentence Jack carried the heavy box by himself?

adjective -adjective is a word that describes, or modifies, a noun.It usually precedes the noun it modifies and answers the questionwhich one, what kind, or how many. Ex The Tall Tree.