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None, articular cartilage may be

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Q: Which part of the bone never becomes ossified?
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The giraffe is the only animal born with horns called ossicones. These ossicones are made of ossified cartilage and are part of the giraffe's skull structure.

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Never heard of any part that is called the Dog Bone. What part are you talking about? Don't know of any dog bone on a rwd car , Only FWD

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The atomic number and mass number of an element never change when it becomes part of a compound. These values are unique to each element and are constant regardless of its chemical state.

What is the porous inner part of the bone?

the porous inner part of the bone is the SPONGY BONE

What is the most inferior part of the coxal bone?

The pubis, or pubic bone, is the most anterior part of the coxal bone (hip bone.)

What is the soft part on the bone called?

The soft part on the bone is called bone marrow, which is a spongy tissue found inside bones. Bone marrow is responsible for producing blood cells and storing fat in the body.

What bone is that ridge part of?

The bone right there

Which part of a long bone contains red marrow?

The hollow interior part of a long bone contains bone marrow.

Flat part of parietal bone?

The major part of the parietal bone is the parietal eminence.

What part of the hip bone is most anterior?

The Pubis is the most anterior part of the hip bone, or the pubic bone as it should be called