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Q: Which part of the chart indicates what each wedge represent?
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What is necessary for a viewer to know what each wedge in a pie chart represents?

The key

Which of these is necessary for the viewer to know what each wedge in the pie chart above represents?

The key

What chart is used to represent the contribution of each component of one series of daa to the whole?

pie chart

What do the wedges in circular graphs mean?

If you're talking about a pie chart, each wedge in the circle is demonstrating a percentage. The largest wedge would be the largest percentage, the smallest would be the smallest percentage.

How do you describe the pie chart?

A circular shape divided into wedge shaped parts where the area of each part is proportional to the ratio of the measure of that part to the whole.

What do the different sections or wedges show on a pie chart?

Each wedge shows the relative size of a specific data item when compared to the whole data set.

When a pie chart is created each of the cells in the excel worksheet containing the numeric data is a?

The cells represent individual parts of the series which are then represented as pie slices in the chart.

What does a pie chart use to represent values?

what information does the entire pie chart above represent? The emission of greenhousr gages in the United states in 2001 (apex)

The two bars which represent each category are side by side and space is used to separate the categories?

Comparative bar chart.

What identifies each bar in a chart in Excel?

The legend identifies the colors that represent the bars.

What is a bar chart?

A bar chart is a graph in the form of boxes of different heights, with each box representing a different category of data, and each height representing a frequency.

What would be a good way to represent the relative sizes of parts of a whole?

A pie chart would show this. The full circle represents the whole, and each slice shows how big each part is in relation to the whole.