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It is the vestibule and the semicircular ducts are involved with the dynamic equilibrium.

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Q: Which part of the ear contains receptors for static equilibrium?
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What part of the ear controls body balance?

We find the structures for balance in the inner ear. They include, for dynamic equilibrium, the semi-circular canal, and for static equilibrium, the vestibule (which contains the utricle and saccule).

Parts of ear that function in static equilibrium?

The vestibular system, part of the inner ear, functions in maintaining static equilibrium.

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The retina is the part of the eye that contains light receptors.

What two part of the ear that do not play a role in hearing?

semi-circular canals for dynamic equilibrium and vestibule for static equilibrium

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The skin contains receptors for temperature, pressure and pain.

Which part of the ear is responsible for equilibrium?

The hair cells within the vestibule and semicircular canals of the cochlea are responsible for both aspects of equilibrium (dynamic and static).Vestibular system

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The retina is the part of the eye that contains light receptors.

Which part of the brain coordinates equilibrium?

The Hindbrain controls coordination and equilibrium. The metencephalon contains structures such as the pons and cerebellum. These regions assists in maintaining balance and equilibrium, movement coordination, and the conduction of sensory information.

How part of the body do you think contains the most pressure receptors?

It's your eye. That's what my gut tells me, definitely the eye

What part of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance?

In the mammalian ear the sensory receptors (hair cells) for hearing are in the cochlea and for ballance are in the semicircular canals. Both the cochlea and semicircular canals are part of the inner ear.inner

What is the relationship between olfactory and gustatory receptors?

Gustatory receptors are part of the sense of taste. They are in your mouth. Olfactory receptors are part of the sense of smell. They are in your nose.