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The legend of a graph typically explains what each bar or line represents. The legend is usually located either above, below, or to the side of the graph. It uses colors, symbols, or patterns to match each element to its corresponding label.

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Q: Which part of the graph tells what the bars or lines represent?
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Which type of graph is the best illustration of size or quantity differences?

A bar graph is typically the best illustration of size or quantity differences because it uses the length of bars to represent the values being compared. The height or length of each bar directly corresponds to the value it represents, making it easy to visually compare the quantities.

What does the decreasing width of each box on a graph chart mean in terms of available matter and energy at each level?

The decreasing width of each box on a graph chart typically represents the decreasing amount of matter and energy available at each successive trophic level in an ecosystem. This is due to the inefficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels, with a significant portion being lost as heat. As a result, there is less biomass and energy available at higher trophic levels compared to lower ones.

What is the importance of scale bars on micro graph?

Scale bars on micrographs are crucial for accurately determining the size of features or structures within the image. They provide a reference point for measuring distances and dimensions in the image, helping researchers or viewers understand the scale of the objects being observed. This ensures that interpretations or comparisons made based on the micrograph are precise and reliable.

How many bars in a kilo?

It depends on the weight and size of the bars. Typically, there are about 45-50 chocolate bars in a kilogram, but this can vary.

Who was Norman monkey bars?

Who was Norman monkey bars... ik he was a folk hero ... but whated he do