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Yes. The digestion of protein begins in the stomach with the enzyme pepsin and ends in the small intestine using enzymes secreted by the pancreas. Once the enzymes have broken the proteins into their amino acids, they can then be absorbed by the epithelial tissue lining the small intestine.

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13y ago

The greatest/main part of digestion takes place in the stomach

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The entire small intestine is where most of the food you eat is digested and absorbed.

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in villi.

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Q: Does the protein digestion begin in the stomach and is it completed in the small intestine?
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Is protein digestion completed in the stomach?

It starts in your mouth then moves down in your stomach work is done in your stomach it moves to your intestine and is completed in your intestine

Where protein digestion is completed?


Digestion is completed in?

Digestion occurs in the mouth, stomach and small intestine.

What organ digests?

Stomach and small intestine Protein digestion starts in the stomach, then the small intestine completely digests it.

Where does most protein digestion occur in humans?

Most protein digestion occurs in the stomach. However, further digestion of proteins also occurs in the small intestine.

What organ digests proteins?

Stomach and small intestine Protein digestion starts in the stomach, then the small intestine completely digests it.

Which organ of body responsible for proteins digestion only?

Protein digesting enzymes (protease) are found throughout the digestive system. In the stomach, pepsin begins the breakdown of ptrotein into amino acids. The process continues in the small intestine, where protease is secreted by the intestine and the pancreas.

What is the product formed after the digestion of protein in the stomach?

Chyme, a liquid Food turns into that in the stomach and flows through the sm intestine and lrg intestine.

Where does the majority of all digestion take place?

The digestion is completed in the small intestine.

Where in digestive system protein is absorbed?

Absorbtion of proteins occurs in the small intestine. Digestion starts in the stomach.

Digestion of proteins?

Pepsin digest protein in the acidic environment of the stomach, Pancreatic Protease digests protein in the basic environment of the small intestine.

Where does the protein digestion start?

the digestion of proteins begin in the stomach.