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Q: Which planet does not rotate on a top to bottom axis?
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What is the meant when a planet rotates?

When a planet spins on its axis it is said to rotate. (Think of a top.)

The word--------------- means to spin around like a top?

rotate - to revolve round a centre or axis

What is located on the top of planet earth?

on the top of planet earth there is the north pole, on top of that is the northern most axis of the Earth, the axis may be cold or hot depending on the axis' current tilt.

Does the earth have a top and a bottom?

The Earth's top and bottom are defined by the North and South poles, respectively. The concept of top and bottom is based on human perception, as Earth is a sphere with no true top or bottom in space.

What is a planets axis?

A planet's axis is the imaginary line that the planet rotates around, like spinning top.

What axis on a graph will always run vertically from the bottom to the top of the page?

The "Y" axis.

What axis of a graph will always run vertically from the bottom to the top of the page?

The 'Y' axis.

What is the location on of the earth?

on the top of planet earth there is the north pole, on top of that is the northern most axis of the Earth, the axis may be cold or hot depending on the axis' current tilt.

What planet spins from top to bottom?


Which axis of a graph will always run vertically from the bottom to the top of the page?

The y axis always runs vertically.

Which axis of a graph will always runs vertically from the bottom to the top of the page?


How do you know if you have a negative or positive axis?

Negative is the bottom half and positive is the top