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Q: Which planet has an average distance from the sun of 1.52 AU the compound iron oxide in it surface and carbon dioxide caps?
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Which planet has an average distance from the sun of 1.52 AU the compound iron oxide present in its surface and carbon dioxide ice caps?

The planet Mars.

Which has an average distance from the sun of 1.52 AU the compound iron oxide present in its surface and carbon dioxide ice caps?

The one that looks red and is named after the god of war.

Which planet has an averege distance from the sun of 1.52 AU the compound iron oxide present in its surface and carbon dioxide ice caps?


What is the ozone layers average distance from the surface of the earth?

The average distance is 26 km. It can vary 1-2 km.

What is the Average distance from the surface of the earth to the ozone layer is?

The average distance of ozone layer is 25 km. It is due to suitable condition.

What is the distance from the surface of the earth to the center in km?

The distance from the surface of the Earth to the center is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

Ozone layer what is the average distance from the surface of the earth?

The average distance of ozone layer is between 15- 35 km. It is roughly present in that region.

What is the average distance of the ozone layer to the earth center?

The average distance of the ozone from surface is 15 to 35 km. It can vary from region to region depending upon the height.

How is Sio2 made?

Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is commonly made by reacting silicon with oxygen, typically through a high-temperature process such as silicon oxidation or hydrolysis of silicon compounds. This can occur naturally through the weathering of rocks containing silicon or be synthetically produced in industries using various chemical reactions.

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Which planet has a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and high surface temperatures?

Venus does. It's atmosphere is made of up 96.5% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and has an average temperature of 464C.

What is is the earth distance from the sun?

An average of 93 million miles. It takes sunlight 8 minutes to arrive at the Earth's surface.