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Q: Which planet has the seasons just like earth?
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Which is the planet that has seasons like the earth?


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What are Saturn seasons?

Saturn experiences changing seasons like Earth, due to its tilt on its axis. A Saturnian season lasts about 7 years and is determined by the position of the sun relative to the planet. This results in variations in temperature, wind patterns, and cloud formations on Saturn.

How is the weather on Mars during the day?

# mars has four seasons just like earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # mars has four seasons just like earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are their only 2 seasons in antarctica?

There are four seasons in Antarctica, just like everywhere on earth.

Is there summer on Mars?

Yes, Mars has seasons just like Earth does.

Why is Pluto considered a planet?

It is not considered a planet, it is a planet, just like Earth, Venus, Neptune (etc).

What are the names of saturns seasons?

Saturn does have seasons, each of them lasting over nine years. The thickness of Saturn's rings though hard to see at times show what season the ringed planet is in. It takes 29 years for Saturn to complete its journey around the Sun. As Saturn moves along its orbit, first one hemisphere, then the other is tilted towards the Sun. This change causes seasons on Saturn, just as the Earth's tilt causes seasons on our planet. This allows Saturn to experience the same four seasons.

Is the red planet and is most like the earth?

the new planet goldilocks 20 lightyears away is most like earth but MAYBE in about 20 million years mars will be just like earth

Describe the weather on mars?

Just like planet Earth, Mars has seasons, as well as polar ice caps. However, Mars does not have liquid water, and is much colder.

Is Saturn a tilted planet?

Yes just like Earth it has a tilted axis.

Why is Earth a planet?

Earth is a planet because it makes its eay around the sun just like all the other ones do. It is a planet because it is in line with all the other planets. I hope this helped(: