

Which planet is a stormy planet?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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The second, third, sixth, and seventh planets orbiting the star Sol have sufficient atmospheres to have stormy weather. The sixth planet, Jupiter, might be known as the most stormy, as it currently has a centuries-old hurricane on it that is significantly larger than several of the other planets in the system.

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12y ago
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7y ago

Technically, all the planets have storms but they are usually all small. There is one big storm that has been going on on Jupiter for about 300 years.

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10y ago

No. Mercury, which has almost no atmosphere, does not have storms.

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14y ago

Virtually every planet with an atmosphere will have some sort of storm. The only one that doesn't in our solar system is Mercury.

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12y ago

jupter, Pluto

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