

Which planet is said to be hostile?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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the temperature and heat

- wikigirl

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Gonzalo Abernathy

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1y ago
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15y ago

In fact, all planets except Earth are said to be hostile.

Mercury is so hot since it is nearest to the Sun that no one is able to live there.

Venus' atmosphere and pressure is to harsh for humans to live in.

There is very little oxygen on Mars.

There is no way to land on Jupiter at all, since it is gas.

The same applies for Saturn. It is also very, very cold.

Uranus' atmosphere of Methane and Ammonia and its low temperatures are totally not suitable for humans.

And Neptune, which is even colder, will freeze a person instantly even when wearing the best suits.

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12y ago

The temperature is 465 degrees celcius.

It rains sulfuric acid.

There are only trace amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Atmospheric pressure is roughly 93 bar (Earth's is 1 bar at sea level).

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10y ago

The goddess Venus (Aphrodite) was dangerous . . . she is said to have started the Trojan War. Although she represented love and beauty, she was also spiteful and jealous, a dangerous combination. Of course, this is all mythical.

The planet Venus would be extremely dangerous to humans because of the extreme heat and atmospheric pressure, plus toxic chemicals in the atmosphere.

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8y ago

Venus is a hostile world because it has high temperatures, intense pressures, and an atmosphere with harmful gases.

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11y ago

I don't know People

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