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Q: Which planet is tilted 90 degrees on its side?
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What is tilted 90 degrees?

Uranus is the only planet tilted 90 degrees to the right

What planet is tilted on its side and rotates around the sun?

This must be Uranus. "On its side" isn't a very scientific way of putting it. It means that the planet's axis is tilted at about 90 degrees (98 degrees actually) from the perpendicular to its orbital plane.

How many degrees is Uranus tilted on its side?

It's tilted 90 degrees.

Which planet is tilted on its axis to almost 90 degrees angle?


Which planet's axis is tilted almost 90 degrees to its orbital plain?


Which planet's axis is tilted almost 90 degrees to its orbital plane?


Which planet is the tilted planet?

All the planets have some tilt to their axis. Uranus has the greatest tilt of about 90 degrees.

What was found on Uranus because of strange pattern?

scientist discovered that Uranus was hit over by a massive object that tilted the planet over. because of that Uranus is tilted almost 90 degrees and lies on it side !

Which planet is tilted at a 90 degree angle?

Uranus is tilted on its side by about 90 degrees. When observed from Earth, we would sometimes see the north or south pole in the "centre" of the planet.

What planet orbits around the sun on one side?

Uranus is the planet that orbits the sun on its side!!!

What planet is almost tilted 90 degrees on its axis?

The planet with an axis that tilts nearly sideways is Uranus. The title of is axis is 97.77 degrees (compared to Earth's with is 23.45 degrees.)

What planet has the most unusal tilt on its axis?

Uranus is tilted on its side at almost 90 degress.