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Q: Which planet was called star of Aphrodite?
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Which planet was called the Star of Aphrodite?


What are some other names for Venus?

There are two, actually. Venus is called the Morning Star as well as the Evening Star.

What other names can Venus be called?

Assuming your talking about the planet, Venus is nicknamed things such as:The morning star and the evening star. If your talking about the god Venus, then the Greeks called "Venus" Aphrodite.

What planet did the Greeks once call Aphrodite?

The Greeks never called a planet Aphrodite, they called Venus: Eôsphoros (Dawn Bringer) Hesperos (Evening)

Which planet is called the north star?

The north star is a star, not a planet. It is called Polaris. The planet Venus is called the Evening Star

What planet was called Aphrodite by the Greeks?

What is now known as Venus.

What are other names for the planet Venus?

the other name is Cytherea,the morning star, or the evening star

Which planet can be called star that never was?

The planet Venus has at times been called the Morning Star or the Evening Star, although it is not a star.

I am the goddess of love and beauty. The Greeks called me Aphrodite. What planet am I?


What planet is sometimes called the evening star?

Venus is the planet that is sometimes called the evening star. This is because it can often be seen shining brightly in the western sky after sunset.

What are the sons of Ares and Aphrodite what moons are you?

Aphrodite has a planet name in roman. The planet Venus is roman for Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. Ares was the god of war. He also had a planet. The planet mars is roman for Ares.

I am the Roman goddess of love and beauty. The Greeks called me Aphrodite. What planet am I?
