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Saturn's is.

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Saturn. It would float on water.

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Q: Which planets density is lesser than that of water?
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The densities of the Jovian planets are?

Much less than that of Earth. For example, Saturn's density is less than that of water; Jupiter's density is slightly larger than that of water.

Which of the planets has a density less than water and therefore would float?


What are some planets with less density than water?

they are gas, and gas is less dense

Which of the jovian planets has a density smaller than water?

I'm pretty sure Saturn would float in water.

Why does ice float above and under water?

Ice floats above water, as it has lesser density than that of water. Due to anomalous expansion of water, the ice (solid) has more density than water(liquid). Hence, it floats above water.

Which planets in the solar system have an average density less than that of water?

It is said that if you could find an ocean on Earth large enough to accommodate it, Saturn would float. That is, Saturn's average density is less than the density of water. Turns out it's the only planet with an average density less than 1.000, that is, less than the density of water.

How do things sink and float?

it depends on the density of the object and the density of the liquid that it's in. if the density of the object is greater than the density of the liquid, then the object will sink. if the density of the object is lesser than the density of the liquid, the object will float.

Is the average density of terrestrial planets the same density as Jovian planet?

No. Terrestrial planets are much denser than Jovian planets.

How are the four outer planets alike?

The four outer planets are all of the type astronomers call "gas giants", and have no hard, rocky surface per se. The inner planets are all solid rocky "terrestrial" planets. Also, the four outer planets are larger in size and lesser in density than the inner planets.

Does kerosene float on water-?

no, beacuse there is more sugars patick present in it so it floats

Is The air density in Atlanta lesser or greater than the air density in Colorado?


An egg sinks in fresh water but floats in a strong solution of salt why?

because following the density principle, the density of the egg compared to the density of the tap water is lesser....(the density principle states that an object or substance with lesser density will float on the surface of the substance or object which has the greater density...),,,with salt,,, salt makes the density of the tap water to increase and increases also the salinity of the water making the egg float because the density of the water with salt is now greater than the density of the egg.... An egg will float when the density of the water is greater than the density of the egg. Adding salt increases the density of a salt water solution. Whether the egg floats or sinks depends on the condition of the egg as well as the amount of salt in the water. If an object is LESS dense than the solution that it is in, then it WILL float. If an object is MORE dense than the solution it is in, then it WILL NOT float. An egg is more dense than regular water; therefore, the egg will sink. But when you add salt to the water, you are making the solution more dense. The salt water's density becomes greater to the point that it is more dense than the egg. Because the egg is now LESS dense than the water, it floats.