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Venus and Mercury

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Q: Which planets take longer then earth to complete one rotation?
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What planets have a faster revolution than the Earth?

Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune all complete one rotation in less than a day.

Which two planets have the same rotation?

Earth and Mars are the planets in this solar system with similar rotation speed of approximately 24 hr.

What is the difference between planets that rotations time are shorter than earth to planets rotation time that are longer than earth?

The outer planets all rotate faster than the inner planets. Each of them has a rotational period shorter than an Earth day. All of the inner planets have rotational periods longer than one Earth day. The outer planets are mostly made up of hydrogen, helim, and ice, and they are much larger than the inner planets which are mostly iron and various types of rock.

Why does it take longer for earth to complete one revolution than to complete one rotation?

It also keeps the moon moving around the earth. The moon take 271-3 days to make one complete revolution around the earth.

What do earth another planets follow?

A rotation around the sun.

What is the rotation of the planets in clockwise and counter clockwise?

earth or venus

Why earth have its rotation?

because of gravitational force of attraction between the earth and other planets

What are the two movement of the planets?

orbit and rotation there is also a wobble or tilt that can fluctuate

Why do length of days change?

when the day is longer than night because the slow of the rotation

Which outer planets have periods of rotation shorter than earth?

All of them!

How many complete rotation has the earth mad so far this month?

The Earth does a complete rotation on its axis every day. The Earth's rotation is the reason why we have night and day. So, if today is the 18th, the Earth has rotated 18 times this month.

How is Earth's rotation differ from its revolution?

Earth's revolution is the complete orbit around the Sun , it takes nearly 366 days for Earth to complete one complete revolution around the Sun. Earth's revolution causes the changes of seasons. Earth's rotation is the rotation of Earth about its axis (axis tilt of 23.4o).it takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.Earth's rotation causes day and night.