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Q: Which plant are found in lake bottoms provides scientists with evidence about ancient climates?
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What does evidence about ancient climates indicates?

The answer is A

What principle do scientists follow in studying ancient climates?

in studying ancient climates, scientists follow an important principle: if plants or animals today need certain conditions to live, then similar plants and animals in the past needed those conditions.

What evidence do scientists use to study the ancient dinosaur?

Scientists use mainly fossils.

Evidence about ancient climates indicates that what?

continents in the Southern Hemisphere today were once centered over the North Pole

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What the definition of trace fossils?

A type of fossil that provides evidence of the activities of ancient organisms.

An important principle scientists follow to determine ancient climates is?

The principle that scientist must follow to determine ancient climates is to realize that climatic changes that take place today are happening much faster than they did in ancient times. One way scientists calculate the speed of climate change is by looking at how far animals would need to migrate every year to keep a constant temperature.

Archaeologists and historians have determined that ancient Nubia had a rich trade relationship with ancient Egypt. What provides the best evidence of this?

You aint always gonna get an answer my name is siri

What 5 pieces of evidence continental drift?

1) Continental Puzzle 2) Matching Fossils 3) Rock Types and Structures 4) Ancient Climates

What are the clues to what ancient climates were like?

There are many clues to what ancient climates were like. One of them include what fossils are found in an area.

What climates did ancient Greece have?


What three sources of information do scientist use to learn about ancient climates?

The scientists use fossil and plant remains that have been found in continents and this process of the continents moving is known as uniformitarianism.