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The Merchant of Venice- Shylock and Antonio are both moneylenders, one is an usurer (Shylock) and the other is not, but ends up defaulting on his debt, for which Shylock wants a pound of his flesh.

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Q: Which play of Shakespeare's has a moneylender in one of his key roles?
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What raises a note one semitone?

Play the note higher up the scale, play the note eight notes higher up the scale to be exact. For example on a key board if you want to play a C one octave higher than middle C then you play the next C up the key board from middle C

What does melodramatic play focusd on?

Melodramas focus on the conflict of good vs evil where the damsel plays a key role in the villain's plot to destroy the hero.

What is the forgiving tone of the author?

When reading a poem or a written play you can tell the forgiving tone of the authors depending on the words used in the story line. Certain key words can draw in the reader to the author's tone such as sorrow, love, regret, pain, and even the key word forgiveness can be used in the story line.

Where is the best place to look for a lost key?

Is the key lost or just misplaced? Was the key for a house, car, utility lock, padlock, business, boat, handcuffs ....? The key can be lost for various reasons; child took it to play with, another person (family member, co-worker, etc.) picked it up, left on the trunk/roof of car as you drove away, left at the lake where you picniked ..... it may never be found. If the key was misplaced, where were you the last place you remember having it and go from there. You will find it in the last place you look for it. ======== If you are accompanying another instrument, sometimes you just have to guess until you hit the chords that sound right. then you follow the cadences to the end and you should end up in the tonic chord for the key that you have been playing in.

What is the core of drama?

Conflict is the key to the movement of a story and is what qualifies a theatrical work as a "play". Whether explict or implicit, conflict is at the core of drama. Reference: Experiencing the art of theatre, a concise introduction, page 14.

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What are the basic components of Philippine financial system?

Banks and financial intermediaries that are not banks are the components of the financial system of the Philippines. Foreign investors, commercial banks, corporations, and brokers play key roles in the system.

What key does piano play in?

The piano can play in any key because it is chromatic.

How Do you play the key game?

Just pick a game that you like and you will play your key game.