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The Repulican Party

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Q: Which political party favored high tariffs during the late 1800s and early 1900s?
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What policy favored people born in the US during the 1800s?

its a

What were the problems of political corruption and urban growth during the late 1800s?

your mom did it

To shield America's industries from foreign competition during the late 1800s?

Established protective tarriffs on imports.

How did protective tariffs encourage the growth of American business in the late 1800s?

Tariffs increased the cost of foreign goods,,.. novanet!!

How did the protective tariffs encourage the growth of American businesses in the late 1800s?

Tariffs increased the cost of foreign goods,,.. novanet!!

How did protective tariffs encourage the growth of American businessess in the late 1800s?

Tariffs increased the cost of foreign goods- novanet(:

What did southerners in the mid-1800s think about tariffs?

Make your question more clear. What tariffs and when? If you did not answer your own question, someone would get a right one to you.

Which area of the country generally benefited from the protective tariffs of the early 1800s?

northern states

Who favored the expansion and modernization of the American navy in the late 1800s?

Andrew Carnegie

What was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s?

Lower prices for grain storage was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s.

In big cities during the 1800s what functioned as community centers and political centers for male workers?

The local tavern

What part did tariffs play in European expansion in late 1800s?

The tariffs reduced trade between industrialized countries, forcing companies to look for other markets overseas.