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Q: Which political question was adreesed by the three fifths comprimise?
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What smaller states wanted to base the national government on the?

It was not the Great Comprimise, or my wiener. So it must be the three fifths comprimise.

What did the three fifths comprimise affirm?

Slavery was preserved with counting the slaves as only 3/5 of a person.

Why was the compromise important to the making of the constitution?

The only thing that could save the Convention from failure was compromise.

What was three fifth comprimise?

The Three Fifths Compromise is one of the most controversial parts and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention. For the allocation of seats in the US House of Representatives, a black person counts for three fifths of a white person.

How do you write 5 fifths in decimal form?

If the question is about 5 fifths (rather than 5 fiths), the answer is 1

What did the north and south feel about slavery in the west?

It isn't right to generalize, because the North's populace did not all hate slavery, and the South's did not all support it. In your generalized terms, both the North and the South wished for the new states out west to have slavery laws in accordance with their positions. This almost led to war, but several compromises were made: The Missouri Comprimise, the Comprimise of 1850, and other deals, such as the Three Fifths Comprimise. However, these only delayed war, and events such as Bleeding Kansas were instrumental in starting the Civil War

How many fifths are there in 4 wholes?

20If you have 4 wholes, and you want to know how many fifths there are, look in the name of "fifths", there are 5 fifths in a whole, so if you have 4 wholes, you will have 20 fifths.I hope this answered you question to the fullest.

What was the three fifths comprimise?

The Three Fifths Compromise is one of the most controversial parts and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention. For the allocation of seats in the US House of Representatives, a black person counts for three fifths of a white person.

How many fifths are in 1 8?

If the question is how many fifths in 1/8, then the answer is (1/8) / (1/5) = 5/8

What does four fifths look like?

4/5...stupid question

Which political question was addressed by the Three -Fifths Compromise?

How would slaves be counted for in population, voting and taxing. It was chosen that an African American Slave would be counted as 3/5 of a person in terms of taxation and representation.

What is five eighths plus two fifths?

The Answer to this question is 1/4.